Avogadro::Animation | Simple frame-based animation for Molecule primitives |
Avogadro::Atom | Representation of an atom |
Avogadro::Bond | Representation of a chemical bond |
Avogadro::Camera | Representation of the camera looking at the molecule |
Avogadro::Color | Map a primitive (atom, bond, etc.) to a OpenGL red, green, blue, alpha color |
Avogadro::Color3f | Representation of an RGB color using three floats |
Avogadro::ColorButton | A button to show the current color and bring up the QColorDialog |
Avogadro::PrimitiveList::const_iterator | |
Avogadro::Cube | Data type holding regularly spaced data in a cube |
Avogadro::Cylinder | |
Avogadro::DockExtension | |
Avogadro::DockWidget | |
Avogadro::ElementDetail | An item box displaying more detailed information on the element |
Avogadro::ElementItem | An element item, intended to display a single element |
Avogadro::ElementTranslator | Internationalization of element names |
Avogadro::Engine | Engine plugin interface |
Avogadro::Extension | Interface for adding extensions |
Avogadro::Fragment | A fragment containing atoms and bonds |
Avogadro::GLHit | Hits from OpenGL selections/picking |
Avogadro::GLPainter | Implementation of the Painter class using OpenGL |
Avogadro::GLWidget | GL widget class for rendering molecules |
Avogadro::IDList | List mapping primitives and unique ids |
Avogadro::Library | Interface for static calls for versions, installation prefix, and other compiler macros |
Avogadro::Mesh | Encapsulation of a triangular mesh that makes up a surface |
Avogadro::MeshGenerator | Class that can generate Mesh objects from Cube objects |
Avogadro::Molecule | The molecule contains all of the molecular primitives |
Avogadro::MoleculeFile | |
Avogadro::Navigate | Navigation functions to simplify common tasks |
Avogadro::NeighborList | A list container for finding spatial neighbors of atoms |
Avogadro::Painter | Pure virtual Painter base class to be implemented by painters |
Avogadro::PainterDevice | |
Avogadro::PeriodicTableScene | This class encapsulates the scene, all items are contained in it |
Avogadro::PeriodicTableView | This class implements the view of the PeriodicTableScene |
Avogadro::PlotAxis | Axis for PlotWidget |
Avogadro::PlotObject | Encapsulates a data set to be plotted in a PlotWidget |
Avogadro::PlotPoint | Encapsulates a point in the plot |
Avogadro::PlotWidget | Generic data plotting widget |
Avogadro::Plugin | Interface for plugins |
Avogadro::PluginFactory | |
Avogadro::PluginItem | |
Avogadro::PluginManager | |
Avogadro::Primitive | Base class for all primitives (Molecule, Atom, Bond, Residue, ...) |
Avogadro::PrimitiveList | Class which set of Primitives |
Avogadro::Protein | Representation of a protein, including secondary structure |
Avogadro::PythonEngine | |
Avogadro::PythonEngineFactory | Generates instances of our PythonEngine class |
Avogadro::PythonError | Singleton object to store all python errors |
Avogadro::PythonExtension | |
Avogadro::PythonExtensionFactory | |
Avogadro::PythonInterpreter | Class to embed the Python interpreter in Avogadro |
Avogadro::PythonScript | |
Avogadro::PythonThread | |
Avogadro::PythonTool | |
Avogadro::PythonToolFactory | |
Avogadro::ReadFileThread | |
Avogadro::Residue | A biological residue that contains atoms and bonds |
Avogadro::Sphere | |
Avogadro::TextMatrixEditor | Widget to edit 3x3 matrices in plain text |
Avogadro::TextRenderer | |
Avogadro::Tool | Interface for tool plugins |
Avogadro::ToolGroup | Manager for GLWidget Tools |
Avogadro::UndoSequence | Provides a sequence of Undo/Redo commands in a single command |
Avogadro::ZMatrix::zItem | |
Avogadro::ZMatrix | Z-matrix internal coordinates for a molecule |