Getting Involved
Avogadro has a very open and active development community. Currently there are more than 10 active developers and other various contributers.
We are all volunteers and appreciate any and all contributions towards making Avogadro a better program.
How to Help
- Tell your friends
- Write documentation for this wiki
- Write up lessons for chemistry teachers
- Send us some example files and fragment
- Report bugs you encounter
- Make suggestions about new features or improvements in Avogadro
- Help translate Avogadro into your language: Localization
- Help with coding: Projects
Even non-programmers can help out! There is a strong need for documentation, tutorials, context help, and translation:
- Write Tutorials for the Wiki
- Addition of context tooltips to tools, engines, misc GUI elements, etc.
- Find poorly documented classes from the API docs and ask about them: API
First Steps
If you are interesting in working on or with Avogadro please look at the Developer information that is available and subscribe to the avogadro-devel mailing list. Also, join the IRC channel (#avogadro on and talk with other developers. For information on the internals of Avogadro and LibAvogadro, review the avogadro developer api.
Important Links
Category:Developer - Developer Information
Localization - Translating Avogadro
Contact - Contact Information