
From Avogadro - Free cross-platform molecule editor
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This page contains all the tutorials which should help you get using Avogadro efficiently.

Step-By-Step Walkthroughs

Here is an incomplete list of tutorials which need to be written:

  1. Tutorials:Getting started
Opening files, navigation, render settings
  1. Tutorials:Drawing molecules
Drawing, adding/removing hydrogens, editing atom coordinates, geometry optimization
  1. Tutorials:Making selections
Delete, copy/paste, operating on selections
  1. Tutorials:Display Types
Selecting, enabling, configuring your display
  1. Tutorials:Orbitals
Viewing output from quantum chemistry programs
  1. Tutorials:Altering Bonds
Changing bond length, angles, and dihedrals
  1. Tutorials:Molecular Mechanics
AutoOptimize, optimize geometry, and friends
  1. Tutorials:Force fields
Which force field to use, commonly made mistakes, tips, etc.
  1. Tutorials:Advanced molecular mechanics
Using constraints
  1. Tutorials:Console
Manipulating molecules in Avogadro, using the Python console

Video Tutorials