2018 Avogadro UGM Materials
Materials from our first User Group Meeting are available through GitHub: https://github.com/openchemistry/avogadro-ugm2018
- Geoffrey Hutchison, Pitt Welcome, Intro & Community Feedback
- Marcus Hanwell, Kitware Avogadro 2, Open Chemistry
- Patrick Avery, U. Buffalo Extended Hückel, Solids and Avogadro
- John Keith, Pitt Quantum chemistry modeling of local solvation effects
- Chris Wilmer, Pitt The Need for New Tools for Materials Discovery
- Paul Boone, Pitt Avogadro Plugins
- Sending RPC calls: https://github.com/OpenChemistry/avogadro-ugm2018/blob/master/tutorials/JSON-RPC.md
- Input Generators: https://github.com/OpenChemistry/avogadro-ugm2018/blob/master/tutorials/Generators.md
- Command Scripts: https://github.com/OpenChemistry/avogadro-ugm2018/blob/master/tutorials/Scripts.md