Avogadro 2 Beta 0.7.0 Released

We are very proud to announce the availability of Avogadro 2, Beta 0.7.0.

Avogadro 2 is a free, open source, cross-platform molecular editor designed for flexible use in computational chemistry, molecular modeling, bioinformatics, materials science, and related areas. Packages are available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. The source code source is available under the 3-clause BSD license.

Avogadro 2 is a rewrite of Avogadro, with a completely new rendering engine. It is capable of significantly faster performance, viewing and editing thousands and millions of atoms, and with improved stability and extensibility.

At the moment, Avogadro 2 is still considered in beta, and still lacks features present in Avogadro 1.x. Both packages can be installed on the same system, so it is possible to try the latest without losing access to the previous version. We will be making occasional releases of Avogadro 1.x too, along with migrating functionality to Avogadro 2. We value your feedback, and hope that you will find the improvements made in version 2 useful.

What does Avogadro 2 do?

  • We’ve tried to make the best, most intuitive “builder”
  • Dramatically improved rendering, with better graphical quality, and faster performance.
  • Interfaces to many common computational packages
  • Designed to help both educational users and advanced research
  • Plugins that allow it to be extended and customized
  • Can be extended with simple Python scripts for file IO and input generation
  • Well defined public API, libraries and modular design

Download: https://sourceforge.net/projects/avogadro/files/avogadro2/0.7.0/

What’s new? See the Release Notes: http://wiki.openchemistry.org/Avogadro2_0.7.0

For more information: http://wiki.openchemistry.org/Avogadro

If you use Avogadro or Avogadro 2, please check out the Avogadro paper, and consider citing it: http://www.jcheminf.com/content/4/1/17

This is a community project and we couldn’t have made this release without you. Many thanks to all the contributors to Avogadro including those of you who submitted feedback, bug reports, and code. We acknowledge that the development of Avogadro 2 has been funded by a US Army SBIR with the Engineering Research Development Center under contract (W912HZ-12-C-0005) at Kitware, Inc.


